The pandemic halted everything, and we experienced a glimpse of what the Dark Ages should have been like. Everyone was forced to confine themselves in their houses by COVID-19. The only difference is that now we know that it is a deadly disease and not the wrath of some god that will go away by offering sacrifices on the altar.
Humankind endured this too, and now we have vaccines that are 85% effective against the virus. With this development, countries have eased out travel restrictions on where their citizens would go and from which part of the world they can let people come into their territory.
Europe is the most favourite travel destination in the world. So, European Union has given colourful tags to the countries to identify whether it is safe to travel there or not. The countries are designated as green, orange, red, dark red, and grey based on severity. So, let us take a look at places that are safe to travel to.
Madeira was prompt in taking action against the spread of the disease, and it is one of the safest travel destinations in Europe. It comes in the green zone, and if you are not carrying the virus, you can enjoy the beaches and water sports without the compulsion of a mask. Portugal is the first country that is giving insurance to travellers in the event of their contacting COVID-19. The insurance will cover all their boarding and lodging costs while they are quarantined.
Malta is a beautiful archipelago in the Mediterranean Sea. The island nation offers a lot of fun activities. It is a place good for history buffs and tourists looking for adventures like sea diving and snorkelling. Tourists can treat their eyes with the rich historical and cultural icons that were made as early as 400 B.C. it has UNESCO World Heritage Sites, breath-taking museums, forts, palaces and other historical sites, temples, and places of archaeological importance. Its capital Valletta is known as Citta’ Umilissima, which means it is a city made by gentlemen for gentlemen.
Tbilisi, Georgia
Georgia closed its borders for international travellers in the wake of COVID-19, which garnered them. Now, the country doesn’t require people to get into quarantine on arrival. Travellers need not take any tests on arrival if they are already vaccinated. The place boasts of ornate Haussmannian buildings that are a major attraction. The buildings belonging to the middle ages give a deep insight into the political and cultural development of the place. Visitors make sure to visit the top of Tbilisi and watch the statue of Kartlis Deda on the top of Solanki hill. It is the statue of the protector of Tbilisi.